One-Time User Authentication with SMS Using Django and Twilio One-Time User Authentication with SMS Using Django and Twilio django django

One-Time User Authentication with SMS Using Django and Twilio

Twilio evangelist and maintainer of django-twilio here.

What you're looking to build is something very easy to do, I can outline the steps for you here:

  • Create a Django model that stores a user's number and a generated passcode
  • When a new user is created, take their number and SMS them the code using the Twilio REST API
  • When they enter the passcode you sent them, cross reference it with the one stored in the database.
  • If the number is right: verify them, if not, tell them it is wrong and offer to send them an SMS again.

You can use django-passcode as an app in your project. It exposes APIs to "register" a mobile number and "verify" through SMS based passcode. It uses mobile number and device id pair as unique. It also generates and returns a token for future authorization requests from mobile app. You can use Twilio or any other SMS api to send sms.

I appreciate your feedback for django-passcode

Disclaimer: I'm the maintainer of Django-phone-verify

What you're looking to accomplish is very easy with django-phone-verify app. It comes with Twilio already integrated and few endpoints which you can extend as per your use case.

This package aims at verifying if a phone number requested by a particular client belongs to them. It also takes care of ensuring that the same device provides the verification of passcode which intially requested a passcode to be sent, saving you a few hours of work.

This package also doesn't messes up with your current user model at all. You're free to use this package exactly for one thing: verifying phone numbers. Whether you do it for users, companies, etc. depends on your use-case.

It follows Unix philosphy of Do one thing; do it well


pip install django-phone-verify


  • Add app to INSTALLED_APPS:
    # In    INSTALLED_APPS = [        ...        'phone_verify',    ]
  • Add settings in your file:
    # Settings for phone_verify    PHONE_VERIFICATION = {        'BACKEND': 'phone_verify.backends.twilio.TwilioBackend',        'TWILIO_SANDBOX_TOKEN':'123456',        'OPTIONS': {            'SID': 'fake',            'SECRET': 'fake',            'FROM': '+14755292729'        },        'TOKEN_LENGTH': 6,        'MESSAGE': 'Welcome to {app}! Please use security code {otp} to proceed.',        'APP_NAME': 'Phone Verify',        'OTP_EXPIRATION_TIME': 3600  # In seconds only    }
  • Migrate the database:
    python migrate

You get two endpoints (Check API docs), one for registration of phone number and other to verify the passcode. You may override verify endpoint to also create a user as described in the usage docs: