Python/Django debugging: print model's containing data Python/Django debugging: print model's containing data django django

Python/Django debugging: print model's containing data

To check fields on a model I usually use ?:

>>> Person?Type:       ModelBaseBase Class: <class 'django.db.models.base.ModelBase'>String Form:    <class ''>Namespace:  InteractiveFile:       /home/zk/ve/django/foo/bar/models.pyDocstring:    Person(id, first_name, last_name)

You can also use help(). If you have an instance of the model you can look at __dict__:

>>> [x for x in Person().__dict__.keys() if not x.startswith('_')]<<< ['first_name', 'last_name', 'id']

If you have the model instance(s) you can simply call:


For just the list of fields using the model class itself see Django: Get list of model fields?

or directly the documentation - for Django 1.10 there is a dedicated section on how to work with fields:

I think you just want to use __dict__ on an instance of a model. (It won't give methods like tab completion in ipython though). Also using __doc__ is quite helpful usually.

Also look into inspect