Python factory_boy library m2m in Django model? Python factory_boy library m2m in Django model? django django

Python factory_boy library m2m in Django model?

What about post_generation hook - I assume You use newer version of factory_boy?

import randomimport factoryclass PostFactory(factory.Factory):    FACTORY_FOR = Post    title = factory.Sequence(lambda n: "This is test title number" + n)    @factory.post_generation(extract_prefix='tags')    def add_tags(self, create, extracted, **kwargs):        # allow something like PostFactory(tags = Tag.objects.filter())        if extracted and type(extracted) == type(Tag.objects.all()):            self.tags = extracted          else:            if Tag.objects.all().count() < 5:                TagFactory.create_batch(5, **kwargs)            for tag in Tag.objects.all().order_by('?')[:random.randint(1, 5)]:                self.tags.add(tag)

Note that You can use PostFactory(tags__field = 'some fancy default text'), but I recommend to create good TagFactory with Sequences ...

You should be able to bind PostFactory(tags = Tag.objects.filter()) but this part is not tested ...

You can override the _prepare classmethod:

class PostFactory(Factory):    FACTORY_FOR = Post    title = 'My title'    @classmethod    def _prepare(cls, create, **kwargs):        post = super(PostFactory, cls)._prepare(create, **kwargs)        if            post.tags = Tag.objects.all()        return post

Note that you can't add tags to a post if the post doesn't have an ID.

I did not test it, but what is the problem with:

class PostFactory(factory.Factory):    FACTORY_FOR = Post    title = 'My title'class TagFactory(factory.Factory):    FACTORY_FOR = Tagpost = PostFactory()tag = TagFactory()post.tags.add(tag)