Python3 + MySql: Error loading MySQLdb module: No module named 'MySQLdb' Python3 + MySql: Error loading MySQLdb module: No module named 'MySQLdb' django django

Python3 + MySql: Error loading MySQLdb module: No module named 'MySQLdb'

None of the existing answers worked for me on Ubuntu Server 16.04 so I ran:

sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-devsudo -H pip3 install mysqlclient

The first command get me the mysql config needed by the second command.

pip install mysqlclient works for me python3.5

I would need to see your DATABASES configuration in, but it looks like it is trying to load MySQLDB instead of the Mysql Python Connector that you installed. The DATABASES should look something like this:

DATABASES = {    'default': {        'NAME': 'mydatabase',        'ENGINE': 'mysql.connector.django',        'USER': 'myuser',        'PASSWORD': 'secretpassword',        'OPTIONS': {          'autocommit': True,        },    }}

Note the ENGINE part... that tells Django to use the mysql connector instead of MySQLDB...

more info available here:

and if you are expecting to use South:

You may want to note that the Oracle connecter is GPL, and there may be license issues with using that code. See Here:!topic/django-developers/8r_RVmUe5ys

The Django 1.7 documentation recommends using the mysqlclient driver... --see the section on Mysql DB API Drivers for that client...
