Remove 'username' field from django-allauth Remove 'username' field from django-allauth django django

Remove 'username' field from django-allauth

Thanks, i found, right settings for my task:


If you encounter the error django.core.exceptions.FieldDoesNotExist: Account has no field named 'username' with reference to USER_MODEL_USERNAME_FIELD in the stacktrace, you'll also need to set ACCOUNT_USER_MODEL_USERNAME_FIELD to None (or the appropriate field for your use case). The full set of settings needed are the following:


This setting is explained in more detail in the django-allauth documentation for Custom User Models with defaults outlined in Configuration.

A probable cause could be any of the following for a custom user model;

a) if you've totally eliminated "Username" as a field in your model, then, do ensure that in your model, you define the variable:

               USERNAME_FIELD = 'email'

Also, do ensure that in the field definition of email, the field attribute;

              unique = True

is as well included.

b) In your custom User admin (which must be compulsorily configured), the form and add_form variables must be defined to inherit from "ModelForm" or UserCreationForm (for the add_form variable).

c) if you're inheriting allauth's Signup Form, then, you'll have to declare in your settings:


Most importantly, ensure you write tests to ensure that form posts data and saves to the database. Thanks. Hope someone finds this helpful..... Remember, it can only be hard, but never impossible!!! Happy 'Djangoing'....