Selenium: Element not clickable ... Other Element Would Receive Click Selenium: Element not clickable ... Other Element Would Receive Click django django

Selenium: Element not clickable ... Other Element Would Receive Click

Extremely late to the party, but I have an extremely simple solution that worked for me. Instead of doing .click(), simply do


With the element selected, the spacebar can toggle the selection. Worked for me!

Your Answer lies within your question.

  1. Error says 'add_task_sidebar_link' not clickable at point - (61, 24.300003051757812) This is where another element is - Other element would receive the click: <a class="navbar-brand" href="#"></a> where the click is being attempted. Since you did not maximize the browser, you are not able to get the point co ordinates correctly.
  2. In order for future tests to not break, pls scroll to that element. Refer to this post (Selenium python unable to scroll down). Check Action chains (

Ran into a similar problem (same error) and tried Major Major's solution above using send_keys + sending the space bar to simulate a click rather than a mouse click.

Major Major's solution:


I hit a new error trying to run this, pointing at 'selenium'. Removing that keyword from the code fixed the issue, and allowed me to click the element.

Final successful code snippet used:

my_variable = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@id="myId"]') #this is the checkboxmy_variable.send_keys(webdriver.common.keys.Keys.SPACE)