settings in apache for django app which need ssl for some pages settings in apache for django app which need ssl for some pages django django

settings in apache for django app which need ssl for some pages

First of all, let's separate the concerns here: one thing is to require login, other is to require SSL. The former is specific to Django, and should be handled in your views; and for the latter, IMHO you should consider the possibiilty of serving everything through SSL, that would simplify your setup a lot. Sure, there's some overhead, and it's up to you to decide whether it matters or not for your particular case.

That said, for your proposed scenario:

  1. To serve anything from plain HTTP, you need to listen to the port 80 (or, in your case, 8080). So you need a separate VirtualHost bound to that port, with a separate WSGI application for itself.

  2. To allow a single path (your index file) from this virtual host, but require everything else to be served by the SSL protected one, you can use mod_rewrite:

    RewriteEngine OnRewriteRule ^/partlysecureapp$ - [L,NC]RewriteRule (.*){REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]

    The first rule tells Apache not to perform any redirect if the path is exactly like your root path; the second redirects everything else to https (which will be handled by your *:443 virtual host).

    (Note: you might want to serve /site_media without SSL as well)

  3. Then you can simply add your WSGI alias; even if Django sends the user to a different page, Apache will ensure that page is served through SSL.

You final code would be something like:

<VirtualHost *:8080>    ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost    DocumentRoot /home/dev/python/django/partlysecureapp    RewriteEngine On    RewriteRule ^/partlysecureapp$ - [L,NC]    RewriteRule ^/site_media - [L,NC]    RewriteRule (.*){REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]    ...    WSGIScriptAlias /partlysecureapp /home/dev/python/django/partlysecureapp/partlysecureapp.wsgi    Alias /site_media/ /home/dev/python/django/partlysecureapp/media/</VirtualHost>

And your code for the SSL protected virtual host would be identical to the mysecureapp one (using partlysecureapp instead, of course; note also that you can have both apps running side-by-side, just pay attention to your MEDIA and STATIC paths).