Verbose deprecation warnings in Django Verbose deprecation warnings in Django django django

Verbose deprecation warnings in Django

You can set Python warning control by command line option -W to raise an exception with a traceback on DeprecationWarning like for errors instead of normal simple warning once. Any specific warning can by filtered by message, category, module, line or by a combination of them.


python -W error:"raw_post_data has been deprecated" testpython -W error::DeprecationWarning testpython -W error:::django.http.request test

A fine filtering is useful if you want to fix all warnings of one type together by batch editing in many files of a big project.

Python 2.7 and higher ignores DeprecationWarning usually if they are not reanabled, e.g. by -Wd option or by the environment variable export PYTHONWARNINGS="d". That can be useful on development machines but not on production.

This is taken from a similar question.

You can use the warnings modules to raise an error for DeprecationWarning.

Temporarily add the following snippet to the top of your project's

import warningswarnings.simplefilter('error', DeprecationWarning)

The DeprecationWarning will now raise an error, so if debug=True you'll get the familiar yellow Django error page with the full traceback.