Access tomcat running in docker container by JMX Access tomcat running in docker container by JMX docker docker

Access tomcat running in docker container by JMX

Here's the flags I've successfully used for monitoring my ZooKeeper container via JMX:

So the difference would be this entry which is fix the RMI port to be the same as JMX port.

With this I can just docker run -p 9010:9010 ... and everything is fine for me.

This does not work when you run that container in Docker machine - in VirtualBox. I am not sure what kind of address I should add to java.rmi.server.hostname because when I add there external IP of the Docker container I am connecting from my host, it does not work. So basically situation is like HOST ---> (MACHINE --- CONTAINER) and I can not reach it from HOST to CONTAINER.

I'm not sure if it's necessary but I would recommend adding this to your additional options -Djgroups.bind_addr= Also I'm pretty sure that this kind of options should probably go to CATALINA_OPTS and not JAVA_OPTS but that shouldn't make a difference. Another thing that I noticed is that the rmi server host name you defined is different than the one in the JMXServiceURL constructor. I'm no docker expert but shouldn't this be identical?