ADB devices is empty in windows docker container ADB devices is empty in windows docker container docker docker

ADB devices is empty in windows docker container

ADB can connect to the device over WiFi and from a networking aspect Docker shouldn't cause any problems for this as long as the network of the Docker Host machine can send traffic to the network of the Android device (if they are the same network, then the answer is definitely yes).

First make sure that the Docker Host machine can reach your device over the WiFi network. A test like pinging the IP of your Android device from the Docker Host machine would work. After that, initiate the ADB over WiFi using the ADB on your Docker Host machine (not the one in your container).

adb tcpip 5555

Once that is done, open a terminal in the container and connect to the Android device using the ADB inside the container.

adb connect <ip-address-of-android-device>

adb devices

Usually, when a new connection is established from an "un-trusted" machine, the device requests the user to confirm the connection and so "trust" the machine. An adbkey is created under %userProfile%/.android on the machine which the device uses to establish a trust every time the connection is made after the first time it happens so that the user doesn't need to confirm the connection every time. Copy or volume bind the adbkey into the <container_userProfile_directory>/.android so device doesn't request from the user to confirm the connection every time.

Until android 5 or 6 you need a driver for adb. Most brands give it free to download on their website.

And if you haven't done it yet, you should enable Adb-Debugging via USB in the developer options on the phone.

For adb you'll have to open the TCP port in the Dockerfile with EXPOSE 5037 (default).