Add plpython3 Extension to Postgres/timescaledb Alpine Docker Image Add plpython3 Extension to Postgres/timescaledb Alpine Docker Image docker docker

Add plpython3 Extension to Postgres/timescaledb Alpine Docker Image

I am fairly certain that if you use prebuilt packages you are stuck with hardcoded installation paths.

The easiest way around your problem is to create symlinks after installation:

FROM timescale/timescaledb:0.9.0-pg10RUN set -ex \    && apk add --no-cache --virtual .plpython3-deps --repository \    postgresql-plpython3 \    && ln -s /usr/lib/postgresql/ /usr/local/lib/postgresql/ \    && ln -s /usr/share/postgresql/extension/plpython3u.control /usr/local/share/postgresql/extension/plpython3u.control \    && ln -s /usr/share/postgresql/extension/plpython3u--1.0.sql /usr/local/share/postgresql/extension/plpython3u--1.0.sql \    && ln -s /usr/share/postgresql/extension/plpython3u--unpackaged--1.0.sql /usr/local/share/postgresql/extension/plpython3u--unpackaged--1.0.sql