Apache with Docker Alpine Linux Apache with Docker Alpine Linux docker docker

Apache with Docker Alpine Linux

It is true that Apache uses SIGWINCH to trigger a graceful shutdown:

docker kill ----signal=SIGWINCH apache

docker-library/httpd issue 9 mentions

Even just dropping "-t" should remove the sending of SIGWINCH when the window resizes.

Actually, you need just -d: see PR669.
In your case, you already running the image with -dit, so check if just keeping -d might help.

The original issue (on httpd side, not docker) is described in bug id 1212224.

The OP Sebi2020 confirms in the comments:

if I don't connect a tty the signal isn't send

So if possible, avoid the -t and, if needed, add a docker exec -t session if you need tty.

You could try switching your CMD instruction from exec form to shell form which leads to /bin/sh -c <...> being used when the container is run:

CMD /usr/sbin/httpd -f /etc/apache2/httpd.conf -DFOREGROUND # or use ENTRYPOINT with the same shell form

It then no longer has PID 1 and Unix signals are not passed down to subprocesses.

But I am not sure (depending on your workflow) if you can attach or exec -it to or stop the container as you would like to.

(Fact 3)