Automatic building and installing Packages from AUR for Arch Linux inside Docker with yaourt and >makepkg-4.2.0 Automatic building and installing Packages from AUR for Arch Linux inside Docker with yaourt and >makepkg-4.2.0 docker docker

Automatic building and installing Packages from AUR for Arch Linux inside Docker with yaourt and >makepkg-4.2.0

If found a Solution that let yaourt only download the Info how to build the Package, then invoke makepkg itself, both with an non-root User and afterwards install the build Package with the root User and pacman.The Portion of the Dockerfile looks like this

RUN mkdir -p /tmp/Package/ && chown yaourt /tmp/PackageUSER yaourtRUN cd /tmp/Package && pwd && ls -al && yaourt --getpkgbuild aur/taskd && cd taskd && makepkg --pkg taskd USER rootRUN pacman -U --noconfirm /tmp/Package/taskd/taskd-1.1.0-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz

With some Variables, further Enhancements could be achieved, but in Principle this works.