Automatically create UDP input for Graylog2 server running in Docker? Automatically create UDP input for Graylog2 server running in Docker? docker docker

Automatically create UDP input for Graylog2 server running in Docker?

Use a auto-loaded content pack in a newly created docker container.

Dockerfile (since Graylog 3.2 - thanks to T. van den Berg):

FROM graylog2/server:latestCOPY udp-input-graylog.json /usr/share/graylog/data/contentpacksENV GRAYLOG_CONTENT_PACKS_AUTO_INSTALL udp-input-graylog.jsonENV GRAYLOG_CONTENT_PACKS_LOADER_ENABLED trueENV GRAYLOG_CONTENT_PACKS_DIR data/contentpacks

Dockerfile (pre 3.0, seethis pull request ).:

FROM graylog2/server:latestCOPY udp-input-graylog.json /usr/share/graylog/data/contentpacksENV GRAYLOG_CONTENT_PACKS_AUTO_LOAD udp-input-graylog.jsonENV GRAYLOG_CONTENT_PACKS_LOADER_ENABLED trueENV GRAYLOG_CONTENT_PACKS_DIR data/contentpacks


{  "name":"UDP GELF input on 12201",  "description":"Adds a global UDP GELF input on port 12201",  "category":"Inputs",  "inputs":[    {      "title":"udp input",      "configuration":{        "override_source":null,        "recv_buffer_size":262144,        "bind_address":"",        "port":12201,        "decompress_size_limit":8388608      },      "static_fields":{},      "type":"org.graylog2.inputs.gelf.udp.GELFUDPInput",      "global":true,      "extractors":[]    }  ],  "streams":[],  "outputs":[],  "dashboards":[],  "grok_patterns":[]}

Steps to create multiple inputs using a contentpack:

  • Write them into a file with json format (e.g.)

    {"id" : null, "name":" Inputs", "description":"Contentpack that adds global inputs", "category":"Inputs", "inputs":[  {  "title":"udp input",  "configuration":{    "override_source":null,    "recv_buffer_size":262144,    "bind_address":"",    "port":12201,    "decompress_size_limit":8388608  },  "static_fields":{},  "type":"org.graylog2.inputs.gelf.udp.GELFUDPInput",  "global":true,  "extractors":[]  },  {  "title":"tcp input",  "configuration":{    "override_source":null,    "recv_buffer_size":262144,    "bind_address":"",    "port":12202,    "decompress_size_limit":8388608  },  "static_fields":{},  "type":"org.graylog2.inputs.gelf.tcp.GELFTCPInput",  "global":true,  "extractors":[]  }]}  
  • copy the contentpack to the contentpacks directory in graylog using ansible

      - name: create graylog inputs for receiving logs    shell: cp .templates/inputs.json /usr/share/graylog-server/contentpacks/inputs.json
  • Set contentpacks autoload to True in graylog.conf or via ansible

      graylog_content_packs_loader_enabled: true
  • Set contentpacks autoload to load inputs.json (e.g. via ansible)

      graylog_content_packs_auto_load: inputs.json

Hope this helps!

I use ansible for starting and preparing graylog2 in containers. And I just create global udp input via calling graylog2 rest api (after graylog2 auto configuration has been finished):

- name: create graylog global udp input for receiving logs  uri:    url: http://{{ ipv4_address }}:9000/api/system/inputs    method: POST    user: "{{ graylog_admin }}"    password: "{{ graylog_pwd }}"    body: '{"title":"xxx global input","type":"org.graylog2.inputs.gelf.udp.GELFUDPInput","configuration":{"bind_address":"","port":12201,"recv_buffer_size":262144,"override_source":null,"decompress_size_limit":8388608},"global":true}'    force_basic_auth: yes    status_code: 201    body_format: json

[ansible] [docker] [graylog2]