AWS ECS Docker: Not pointing to Drupal path and giving error You don't have permission to access this resource AWS ECS Docker: Not pointing to Drupal path and giving error You don't have permission to access this resource docker docker

AWS ECS Docker: Not pointing to Drupal path and giving error You don't have permission to access this resource

It seems you catch some kind of collision.

  • Your drupal:8.6-apache image contains Drupal in /var/www/html folder, but you map your volume to /var/www/ folder inside container. This breaks it at all.
  • Your apache-drupal.conf file points to /var/www/web, but project is already inside html (we are in container)

The simple way to make it works is to perform 3 modifications (if it's enough for you to get mapped logs only)

  1. Change volume mapping in docker-compose.yml to /var/www/web
  2. Change DocumentRoot and Directory in apache-drupal.conf to /var/www/html/