Azure DevOps private nuget repo Unauthorized when building with docker Azure DevOps private nuget repo Unauthorized when building with docker docker docker

Azure DevOps private nuget repo Unauthorized when building with docker

I stumbled across this post.(ref: solution @ the bottom)

Basically, change the PAT Organization to "All accessible organizations" AND scroll through the permission\security sections and set the following:

  • Build (Artifacts, definitions, requests, queue a build, and updated build properties): Read
  • Connected server (Access endpoints): Connected server
  • Packaging (Create, read, update, and delete feeds and packages): Read

(Not sure if all of these are required.)

Docker File:

FROM AS baseWORKDIR /appFROM AS buildWORKDIR /src# The Personal Access Token argARG PAT# Set environment variablesENV NUGET_CREDENTIALPROVIDER_SESSIONTOKENCACHE_ENABLED trueENV VSS_NUGET_EXTERNAL_FEED_ENDPOINTS '{"endpointCredentials":[{"endpoint":"","username":"USERNAME","password":"'${PAT}'"}]}'# Get and install the Artifact Credential providerRUN wget -O -  | bashCOPY ["PROJECTNAME.csproj", "./"]RUN dotnet restore -s " ORG /_packaging/ FEEDNAME /nuget/v3/index.json" -s ""COPY . ./WORKDIR /srcRUN dotnet build " PROJECTNAME.csproj" -c Release -o /appFROM build AS publishRUN dotnet publish --no-restore " PROJECTNAME.csproj" -c Release -o /appFROM base AS finalWORKDIR /appCOPY --from=publish /app .ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", " PROJECTNAME.dll"]

docker command:

docker build -t BUILDNAME:local . --build-arg PAT=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Previously we were using a nuget.config file with credentials\PAT and this was working. I have no idea what changed to cause it to stop. If anyone had an idea pls post.

you need to force dotnet restore to use your config file:

RUN dotnet restore "MyProject/MyProject.csproj" --configfile Nuget.Config

alternatively you can do something like this in your dockerfile:

# Add Environment Variables references for access private Azure Artifacts Repository# Use --build-arg <ARG> to pass this in.ARG TOKENPASSARG TOKENUSERARG NUGET_ENDPOINT# Fetch Azure Artifacts "Magic" credentials providersRUN wget -qO- | bash# Needs to be enabled to fetch the private repository credentials for NuGet restore.ENV NUGET_CREDENTIALPROVIDER_SESSIONTOKENCACHE_ENABLED trueENV VSS_NUGET_EXTERNAL_FEED_ENDPOINTS="{\"endpointCredentials\": [{\"endpoint\":\"$NUGET_ENDPOINT\", \"username\":\"$TOKENUSER\", \"password\":\"$TOKENPASS\"}]}"# Workaround of some kind to help Azure Artifact Private repository image collection.ENV DOTNET_SYSTEM_NET_HTTP_USESOCKETSHTTPHANDLER 0

and use docker build with --build-arg TOKENPASS=$(TOKENPASS) --build-arg TOKENUSER=$(TOKENUSER) --build-arg NUGET_ENDPOINT=$(NUGET_ENDPOINT)