Best practice for connecting to a vpn though docker [closed] Best practice for connecting to a vpn though docker [closed] docker docker

Best practice for connecting to a vpn though docker [closed]

Another option would be to ask Jess Frazelle (jfrazelle), who is in the habit of containerizing everything.

Sure enough, she has a jfrazelle/dockerfiles/openvpn project which exposes it directly to the host:

vpn:  build: .  volumes:    - .:/etc/openvpn  net: host  devices:    - /dev/net/tun:/dev/net/tun  cap_add:    - NET_ADMIN

It uses a TUN (not TAP) interface.

Probably the easiest solution would be to configure any containers that need the vpn to use the network namespace of the vpn container. That is, your docker-compose.yml would include something like:

vpn:  image: myvpn_imageapp1:  image: app1_image  net: container:vpn

With this configuration, the vpn container and the app1 container see the same network evironment.