Bitbucket Pipelines: No toolchains found in the NDK toolchains folder for ABI with prefix: aarch64-linux-android Bitbucket Pipelines: No toolchains found in the NDK toolchains folder for ABI with prefix: aarch64-linux-android docker docker

Bitbucket Pipelines: No toolchains found in the NDK toolchains folder for ABI with prefix: aarch64-linux-android

Today I run into the same issue like you. I also followed the blog post you mentioned. Whatever. I'm happy to report you: I fixed it and found a "solution"! 😄

The funny part is: The solution so dumb as simple. The only thing you have to do is to unset (or remove) the NDK environment variable (or directory).

The magic line is:


Which means that my final bitbucket-pipelines.yml looks like:

image: uber/android-build-environment:latestpipelines:  default:    - step:        script:          - unset ANDROID_NDK_HOME          - ./ci/          - ./gradlew :app:testDebugUnitTest

Why does it fix the issue?

To be honest. I don't know 😅. But I found out that the ubers android-build-environment install the NDK for you.

I found some answers - like here - to install the NDK separately again. But I thought about the following: Why the hell should I install/update the NDK if my project doesn't use it? So I tried to remove the NDK folder (which according to the Dockerfile located at /usr/local/android-ndk) and everything works 🎉.

Why unsetting then?

You can't remove the android-ndk dir because you don't have permission to do it. But you can delete the content from it. That is the reason why it worked with rm -rf /usr/local/android-ndk. But then - with the setting of ANDROID_NDK_HOME but without any content in there you got the error message (while building):

./gradlew :app:testDebugUnitTestNDK is missing a "platforms" directory.If you are using NDK, verify the ndk.dir is set to a valid NDK directory.  It is currently set to /usr/local/android-ndk.If you are not using NDK, unset the NDK variable from ANDROID_NDK_HOME or to remove this warning.

unset the environment variable fix that warning as well.


Obviously that is not the best solution. If your App uses the NDK this solution will not help. To remove some environment variables "from a Docker image" in a CI script is also not the best solution. Maybe the image need the variable later (don't know if that is possible in Docker... but you know what I mean 😉). But it will "temporary" fix the problem and since the android-build-environment is unmaintained (not update since a year) anyway I would not put to much effort in fixing the image...

Note: The link to the uber:android-build-environment GitHub page refers to a single (currently the last) commit. If someone read that in the future the link is still active and correct but maybe the master branch have changed.

cd .../AndroidSdk/ndk-bundle/toolchainsln -s aarch64-linux-android-4.9 mips64el-linux-android-4.9ln -s arm-linux-androideabi-4.9 mipsel-linux-android-4.9

You need to download android ndk and install the standalone toolchain similar like this

$NDK/build/tools/ \ --arch arm --api 21 --install-dir /tmp/my-android-toolchain

Sometimes you have to create the environmental variable for the toolchain.