boot2docker changing IP address from default to (Mac) boot2docker changing IP address from default to (Mac) docker docker

boot2docker changing IP address from default to (Mac)

If you haven't already done so, create a Docker configuration with:

boot2docker config > ~/.boot2docker/profile

Then edit your Docker configuration with the following line:

UpperIP = ""

Then follow the other steps to clear out your old Docker images and start a new one.

I was also having issues connecting to Docker, but a system restart resolved them.

In order to remove the VM and restart it again like @ramden suggested you could do:

You can remove all containers from the current environment by running

$ docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)

To remove all images:

$ docker rmi $(docker images -q)

Restart the VM, cleaning all cache from old images, doing the following

$ boot2docker delete$ boot2docker init$ boot2docker start

I've just encountered the same issue and couldn't find an answer right away, maybe this is worth for future interest.


After removing the virtual machine from the VirtualBox GUI (delete everything) it works again on 103. I guess something messed up with boot2docker while using it.