boot2docker on windows missing apt-get / package manager boot2docker on windows missing apt-get / package manager docker docker

boot2docker on windows missing apt-get / package manager

Seems boot2docker uses Tiny Linux which has its own package manager called "tce-load". There's a list of packages for it here:

There's everything that's needed to make or whatever located there.

You should not be installing anything on the boot2docker vm as that gets deleted and reset often. You should install any tools inside a docker container running on the boot2docker vm.

Only linux can run docker so when running on osx or windows you must use boot2docker. boot2docker is just running a linux vm that has docker installed. Once you are using boot2docker you use docker like you would normally.

The boot2docker vm is not where you should be installing things, what you should be doing is running a container that has the programs you need installed. This can be accomplished by finding a useful image from the docker registry or by making your own docker image.