Build docker in ASP.NET Core: "no such file or directory" error Build docker in ASP.NET Core: "no such file or directory" error docker docker

Build docker in ASP.NET Core: "no such file or directory" error

It's happening because you didn't published your solution. The error message is self-explanatory:

no such file or directory

By default, when you add Docker support to you ASP.NET Core Visual Studio 2017 project, it creates a bunch of docker-compose.yml files, one of them is which handles the build process. Then, when you build the project through Visual Studio, full docker-compose pipeline is executed.

The contents of, are similiar to this (it depends on custom config and project names obviously):

version: '2'services:  ci-build:    image: microsoft/aspnetcore-build:1.0-1.1    volumes:      - .:/src    working_dir: /src    command: /bin/bash -c "dotnet restore ./SolutionName.sln && dotnet publish ./SolutionName.sln -c Release -o ./obj/Docker/publish"

As you can see in the last line, there is a dotnet publish command invoked, which actually builds & publishes your project.

So the solution for your issue, will be just building the project before calling docker:

dotnet publish ./SolutionName.sln -c Release -o ./obj/Docker/publishdocker build -t my-docker-image-test .

When you use the option "Add Docker Support" in Visual Studio 2017, VS generates a bunch of docker-compose files and Dockerfiles. As Marcin Zablocki mentioned, one of these is

To stay in line with the Docker philosophy, you can use a docker container to publish your project. To publish your project you would take the following steps:

  1. git clone/pull your project & cd into the root dir
  2. Publish your project with docker-compose -f up
  3. Start your project with docker-compose up

I have encountered situations where the Dockerfile of your main project is giving problems. This happens with FROM microsoft/aspnetcore:1.1, you can change it to FROM microsoft/aspnetcore:1.1.2 or whatever version is needed for your project.

If you have published your project and facing this issue because of directory error, just move the docker file one folder up and put it beside *.sln file.