Building drone 8.5 into a container fails with "no such file or directory" Building drone 8.5 into a container fails with "no such file or directory" docker docker

Building drone 8.5 into a container fails with "no such file or directory"

The problem with your build is that you're not building a binary that can be executed inside the docker container, hence the exec user process error.

The quick fix for your issue would be to add cross-compilation flags to your go install. This will also result in the binary being placed in a slightly different location so your build file will look like this:

GOOS=linux GOARCH=386 go install GOARCH=386 go install releasecp $GOPATH/bin/linux_386/drone-server release/drone-server

The proper (and more complicated) way to adress this would be to use a multi-stage Dockerfile with a build step first, see e.g. this blog post with an example.