Can I change the kernel used in Docker for Windows? Can I change the kernel used in Docker for Windows? docker docker

Can I change the kernel used in Docker for Windows?

I'm not familiar with Windows. But the Kernel that your VM is running is the Kernel that is used for all your Docker containers. So, my naive guess would be, changing the VM's Kernel would work.

I'm assuming Hyper-V is the hypervisor. That would create a VM (running a Linux Kernel) on top of which the Docker containers are running.

Docker uses its own patched Kernel (along with a specialized Linux distro) called linuxkit in Docker Desktop. It is mentioned in

I am able to find kernel, initrd.img and cmdline in a folder called linuxkit inside the application folder of my Docker for Mac installation.

I assume that you will find a similar folder inside the Windows installation.

Simply build your own Kernel with the instructions/patches of linuxkit and replace those files.

I would also love to get answer for this question...

I would like to use "Docker Desktop for Windows" and it uses Linux Kernel 4.9.184 but I would like to use Kernel Version 3.10.0-1062. I want to use older Kernel because it is the Kernel for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.

Link for Docker Desktop Community Linux Kernel version

Link for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Kernel Version