Can I roll back to a previous version of Docker Desktop? Can I roll back to a previous version of Docker Desktop? docker docker

Can I roll back to a previous version of Docker Desktop?

  1. Download your desired version from the Release Notes.
  2. Open the download, drag "Docker" to "Applications"
  3. Chose to "Replace" the existing installation
  4. Run Docker desktop

All your previous containers should still be there.

So, I run the installer of the previous Docker Desktop version: - got a warning message stating that a newer Docker already exists and if I wanted to replace it (stop, or keep it both). I selected 'Replace'.The installation went successful.But when I open Docker all my running containers were gone.I run lando to recreate my Drupal 7 site.I got the "Boomshakala" from lando confirming that the app has started up correctly, and provided with its corresponding vitals -including the APPSERVER URLS.But when I access the URL, I got an error message:"Error: the website encounter an unexpected error. Please try again later."The uncaught exception thrown in shutdown function:"PDOException: SQLSTATE[]: Base table or view not found:1146 Table 'drupal7.semaphore' doesn't exist...."

To solve this, I imported and old copy of the drupal database site:lando db-import .sql

then I navigated to the docroot folder, and run a database update:lando drush upddatedb

All good now; thanks @halfer for your comments!