Can TYPO3 run without local file storage for the typo3temp directory? Can TYPO3 run without local file storage for the typo3temp directory? docker docker

Can TYPO3 run without local file storage for the typo3temp directory?

TYPO3 instances need some work on your side for being scaled horizontally.

I am assuming TYPO3 v9+ and a default composer based installation.

You need to share at least public/typo3temp, public/fileadmin and ./var between instances. That is because their state is very much tied to the database state. See

The rest is part of your TYPO3 deployment and could be baked into container images. I am pretty sure for live deployment none of these need to be writable. You might lose some admin backend functionality like through-the-backend configuration changes but that should be obvious.

Raising site performance

That said, getting more performance out of TYPO3 is a lot easier with a reverse caching proxy in front of it than by multiplying PHP instances. There is also which generates static HTML for cachable content and has a good reputation, too.