cannot deploy docker image form AWS private registry cannot deploy docker image form AWS private registry docker docker

cannot deploy docker image form AWS private registry

From an operator perspective, it looks like you're hitting CloudFoundry's password limit of 1000 characters by using the Amazon Elastic Container Registry signed tokens (which are around 2000 chars):

/var/vcap/sys/log/cloud_controller_ng/cloud_controller_ng.log.5.gz: {"timestamp":1526311559.8367982,"message":"Request failed: 500: {\"error_code\"=>\"UnknownError\", \"description\"=>\"An unknown error occurred.\", \"code\"=>10001, \"test_mode_info\"=> {\"description\"=>\"docker_password can be up to 1,000 characters\", ...

We filed the issue with the CC team:

I'm not sure what version of Cloud Foundry your provider is running right now, but support for private docker registries (i.e. registries using HTTPS & basic auth) requires a fairly recent version of Cloud Foundry.

It definitely works in API versions 2.103 and later, as that's what we're running at Meshcloud right now and we have customer successfully using private registries ;-)

$ cf apiapi endpoint: version:    2.103.0

Disclaimer: I'm a co-founder at Meshcloud.