Cannot get docker-machine to work with virtualbox when using Cisco VPN AnyConnect Cannot get docker-machine to work with virtualbox when using Cisco VPN AnyConnect docker docker

Cannot get docker-machine to work with virtualbox when using Cisco VPN AnyConnect

I had a similar problem with IP conflicts on 192.168.x.x I solved it changing the subnet of the VirtualBox host-only network.

1) run docker-machine rm dev

2) Go into the VirtualBox preferences and remove the host-only network

3) run docker-machine create --driver virtualbox --virtualbox-hostonly-cidr "" dev

There is also a discussion on Github here:

I have the same issue and this post on docker at solves it.

sudo ifconfig vboxnet0 down && sudo ifconfig vboxnet0 up

You also may want to use port 2377 as discussed here

If you have the option to run Cisco VPN in Split Tunnel (instead of Full Tunnel) mode, that seems to work well, while still allowing you to access your corporate network.