Cannot read env file on Gatsby when using Docker Cannot read env file on Gatsby when using Docker docker docker

Cannot read env file on Gatsby when using Docker

How is that possible? Why I can read all the env variables insidegatsby-config.js but not in a component?

Because there are server-side environment variables and client-side environment variables. The first ones (server-side) are only available in the Node server (gatsby-config.js, gatsby-node.js, etc) while the seconds (client-side) only in the browser (the rest of the components, pages and templates).

To make an environment variable available to the browser, you need to prefix it with GATSBY_ prefix, as the docs points:

In addition to these Project Environment Variables defined in .env.*files, you could also define OS Env Vars. OS Env Vars which areprefixed with GATSBY_ will become available in browser JavaScript.