Cannot set Debug to work for Java via Dockerized WebLogic, not with intelliJ nor Studio Code Cannot set Debug to work for Java via Dockerized WebLogic, not with intelliJ nor Studio Code docker docker

Cannot set Debug to work for Java via Dockerized WebLogic, not with intelliJ nor Studio Code

Try adding address=*:4002 instead of address=4002

JAVA_OPTS is a Tomcat specific environment variable

In Java 8 the JDK supports a JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS environment variable so to enable the debugger. Try replace JAVA_OPTS with JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS

You also have to setup the address like this: address=*:8000, address=localhost:4002 or address=

I had a similar issue with attaching a memory monitoring tool (JVisualVM). I could telnet to the server but that was not the whole story.

From what I have understood what was blocking me was the RMI connection used under the hoods. What was missing was a "tunnel" between client (where your debugger runs) and host (where your application runs) machine.

In windows you would open a cmd and give:

putty.exe -ssh <username>@<remote-host> -L <port>:<remote-host>:<same_port_again>

This will open a putty window which should remain open after logging in for the tunnel to remain open.

For more information on this, you can check here on the 2nd step of the solution provided by @freedev.

I am not sure if it works for you but I suspect it may be the same case as mine.