Can't change PHP variables in Joomla docker official container Can't change PHP variables in Joomla docker official container docker docker

Can't change PHP variables in Joomla docker official container

You will have to provide your own php.ini file, and load that to the container as a volume.To do that, add the following flag to the docker run command:

-v local/path/to/php.ini:/usr/local/etc/php/php.ini

If you are using docker compose, update the volumes section of your joomla container definition to look like this:

joomla_container:    ...    volumes:      ...      - local/path/to/php.ini:/usr/local/etc/php/php.ini

You definitely shouldn't try to edit the configuration in a running container. If you do this, you'd lose your changes when you update the instance.

Does the LOADED configuration file have a path in it?For example, mine is:

Configuration File (php.ini) Path   C:\WindowsLoaded Configuration File   C:\Windows\php.ini