Cant Connect to HBase in a Docker instance Cant Connect to HBase in a Docker instance docker docker

Cant Connect to HBase in a Docker instance

It looks like your Dockerized cluster is tracking the master by its hostname inside the Docker network.

You either need to:

  1. run your Play app in a container within that network (so that it can resolve the master hostname)


  1. start your containers with the -h <hostname> (or equivalent compose markup) and make sure that your Play server maps that hostname to the right ip (by /etc/hosts or DNS). The -h option will cause your cluster to report an internal (to the Docker network) fqdn for the master and the mapping on the Play side will point your Play application from the internal fqdn to the real address.

If you want to access container ports from outside of the container, you need to publish those ports using -p <host port>:<guest port> when running docker run ~