Celery workers unable to connect to redis on docker instances Celery workers unable to connect to redis on docker instances docker docker

Celery workers unable to connect to redis on docker instances

When you use docker-compose, you aren't going to be using localhost for inter-container communication, you would be using the compose-assigned hostname of the container. In this case, the hostname of your redis container is redis. The top level elements under services: are your default host names.

So for celery to connect to redis, you should try redis://redis:6379/0. Since the protocol and the service name are the same, I'll elaborate a little more: if you named your redis service "butter-pecan-redis" in your docker-compose, you would instead use redis://butter-pecan-redis:6379/0.

Also, docker-compose.dev.yml doesn't appear to have celery and redis on a common network, which might cause them not to be able to see each other. I believe they need to share at least one network in common to be able to resolve their respective host names.

Networking in docker-compose has an example in the first handful of paragraphs, with a docker-compose.yml to look at.

You may need to add the link and depends_on sections to your docker compose file, and then reference the containers by their hostname.

Updated docker-compose.yml:

version: '2.1'services:    db:        image: postgres    memcached:        image: memcached    redis:        image: redis        ports:          - '6379:6379'    backend-base:        build:            context: .            dockerfile: backend/Dockerfile-base        image: "/backend:base"    backend:        build:            context: .            dockerfile: backend/Dockerfile        image: "/backend:${ENV:-local}"        command: ./wait-for-it.sh db:5432 -- gunicorn backend.wsgi:application -b -k gevent -w 3        ports:            - 8000        links:            - db            - redis            - memcached        depends_on:            - db            - redis            - memcached    celery:        image: "/backend:${ENV:-local}"        command: ./wait-for-it.sh db:5432 -- celery worker -E -B --loglevel=INFO --concurrency=1        environment:            C_FORCE_ROOT: "yes"        links:            - db            - redis            - memcached        depends_on:            - db            - redis            - memcached    frontend-base:        build:            context: .            dockerfile: frontend/Dockerfile-base            args:                NPM_REGISTRY: http://.view.build                PACKAGE_INSTALLER: yarn        image: "/frontend:base"        links:            - db            - redis            - memcached        depends_on:            - db            - redis            - memcached    frontend:        build:            context: .            dockerfile: frontend/Dockerfile        image: "/frontend:${ENV:-local}"        command: 'bash -c ''gulp'''        working_dir: /app/user        environment:            PORT: 3000        links:            - db            - redis            - memcached        depends_on:            - db            - redis            - memcached

Then configure the urls to redis, postgres, memcached, etc. with:

  • redis://redis:6379/0
  • postgres://user:pass@db:5432/database

The issue for me was that all of the containers, including celery had a network argument specified. If this is the case the redis container must also have the same argument otherwise you will get this error. See below, the fix was adding 'networks':

  redis:    image: redis:alpine    ports:      - '6379:6379'    networks:      - server