configured logging driver does not support reading : Docker configured logging driver does not support reading : Docker docker docker

configured logging driver does not support reading : Docker

According to information commented by David Maze, you must have your container run with a awslogs log driver.

Here is the setting introduction.

After changing log driver to json-file, you could get log by executing docker logs container-id/name.

But still note this:

If using the Fargate launch type, the only supported value is awslogs.

You are using awslogs log-driver, and docker logs command is not available for that driver.

From the docs:

The docker logs command is not available for drivers other than json-file and journald

limitations of logging drivers

I have had this same issue before.

In my specific case the Task Definition for that service in ECS had the Log Configuration's logDriver set to fluentd see the circled image below.

enter image description here

To resolve the issue, I created another Task Definition with all the same parameters except I left the Log Configuration section's Log Driver to default. note if you click on that you'll see other log drivers including fluentd.

After that I pointed the service to this task definition in my ECS cluster, and now I can see the logs doing the commands docker logs <container id>

enter image description here