Connect to HBase running in Docker Connect to HBase running in Docker docker docker

Connect to HBase running in Docker

Try add [boot2docker IP] a3e6c240af20 instead of because HBase Java client needs to reach your docker's host not exactly localhost to reach zookeeper (CMIIW). Not pretty sure if it will works but it works in my Windows.

I used oddpoet/hbase-cdh5 docker image to avoid this issue.

docker run -d -p 2181:2181 -p 60000:60000 -p 60010:60010 -p 60020:60020 -p 60030:60030 -h hbase oddpoet/hbase-cdh5


hbase:    image: oddpoet/hbase-cdh5    hostname: hbase    ports:     - "3181:2181"     - "60000:60000"     - "60010:60010"     - "60020:60020"     - "60030:60030"

my configuration file

    conf.set("hbase.zookeeper.quorum", zkPath);    conf.set("","2181");    conf.set("zookeeper.znode.parent", "/hbase");    conf.set("hbase.client.retries.number", "3");  // default 35    conf.set("hbase.rpc.timeout", "10000");  // default 60 secs    conf.set("hbase.rpc.shortoperation.timeout", "5000"); // default 10 secs