console.log from node.js application not splitting in multiple logs in sumoLogic console.log from node.js application not splitting in multiple logs in sumoLogic docker docker

console.log from node.js application not splitting in multiple logs in sumoLogic

See the docs for "Multiline Processing".Basically you can configure how should Sumo Logic split large messages into multiple ones. Check if you have this turned on:

  • "Infer boundaries":

This option will apply a set of default expressions, which are used to detect the beginning of a new multi-line message. When a message line matches one of these expressions, Sumo Logic waits until the next instance of this same expression, and then groups all lines between them as a single message.

And also "Boundary Regex" where you can specify a regular expression on what to be treated as a boundary between two log messages. Note that it's not always a line break as in some of the languages/frameworks you often get some structured data as one "piece of log". To be honest, I am not sure what is the nodejs standard here.

Disclaimer: I am currently employed by Sumo Logic.