Create a Docker Apache image with LetsEncrypt Create a Docker Apache image with LetsEncrypt docker docker

Create a Docker Apache image with LetsEncrypt

You should remove certbot from your apache image and run letsencrypt in a separate container like blacklabelops/letsencrypt.

  1. Create dummy certificate with certbots testmode during image build
  2. Start apache on target system
  3. Start blacklabelops/letsencrypt in webroot mode, no port is used and challenges are exchanged by an apache webcontext.
  4. Create the real certificate and keep the container running for monthly updates

The letsencrypt container must be started in Webroot Mode:

$ docker run -d \  -v letsencrypt_certificates:/etc/letsencrypt \  -v letsencrypt_challenges:/var/www/letsencrypt \  -e "LETSENCRYPT_WEBROOT_MODE=true" \  -e "" \  -e "" \  --name letsencrypt \  blacklabelops/letsencrypt

Note: Here certs will be written to docker volume letsencrypt_certificates the webchallenges will be written to letsencrypt_challenges

Your apache must mount that volume and publish challenges under the webroot: /.well-known/acme-challenge/.

Example, files under letsencrypt_challenges must be reachable under:
