ddev/docker fails with "Failed programming external connectivity", Windows 10 ddev/docker fails with "Failed programming external connectivity", Windows 10 docker docker

ddev/docker fails with "Failed programming external connectivity", Windows 10

I've seen this many times, only on Windows, and have always been able fix it with:

  • ddev poweroff
  • Restarting docker if necessary

There are lots of answers on the internet, I think the most important open issue is with docker-compose here: https://github.com/docker/compose/issues/3277

docker description

On Windows systems, CTRL+C does not stop the container. So, first type CTRL+C to get the prompt back (or open another shell), then type docker container ls to list the running containers, followed by docker container stop to stop the container. Otherwise, you get an error response from the daemon when you try to re-run the container in the next step.

I had the same problem, I thought with CTRL+C stoped the container but it was not the case, any af the answer above works because they all stop containers, restarting docker or stoping container explicity.

I prefer:

docker container ls #list containers runningdocker stop [container id] #replace [container id] with the container id running