'--disable-dev-shm-usage' does not resolve the Chrome crash issue in Docker '--disable-dev-shm-usage' does not resolve the Chrome crash issue in Docker docker docker

'--disable-dev-shm-usage' does not resolve the Chrome crash issue in Docker

Old question but a similar issue nearly drove me to insanity so sharing my solution:

When I updated my Docker image Chrome installation from an old version to Chrome 86, I got this error. My setup was not identical but we were instantiating Chrome through a selenium webdriver.

The solution was to pass the options as goog:chromeOptions hash instead of chromeOptions hash. I truly don't know if this was a Selenium, Chrome, Chromedriver, or some other update, but maybe some poor soul will find solace in this answer in the future.

I think I found the problem in my case

if I run df -h I would get among others this

Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on/dev/xvda1       16G   15G  547M  97% /

The problem started happening a little earlier, when probably the space was not critical, lets say 80% and this is why I missed it

I turns out that my /var/jenkins/workspace was like 10Gb because I was archiving reports for a year without knowing this, because of my jenkins HTML publisher setting

The solution for me was

  1. to remove old reports from the directory
  2. to set keep-all flag to false, to prevent overfilling in future since I was archiving reports anyway
publishHTML([    allowMissing: true,    alwaysLinkToLastBuild: false,    includes: '**/*',    keepAll: true, <--------------- this guy    reportDir: 'reports/',    reportFiles: reports,    reportName: 'HTML Report',    reportTitles: tabs])
  1. and to add extra 4 Gb to the /dev/xvda1