docker and jwilder/nginx-proxy http/https issue docker and jwilder/nginx-proxy http/https issue docker docker

docker and jwilder/nginx-proxy http/https issue

Just to keep this topic up to date, the jwilder/nginx-proxy meanwhile introduced a flag for that: HTTPS_METHOD=noredirect; To be set as environment variable.

Further reading on github

I think your configuration should be correct, but it seems that this is the intended behaviour of jwilder/nginx-proxy. See these lines in the file nginx.tmpl:

It seems that if a certificate is found, you will always be redirected to https.

EDIT: I found the confirmation in the documentation

The behavior for the proxy when port 80 and 443 are exposed is as follows:

  • If a container has a usable cert, port 80 will redirect to 443 for that container so that HTTPS is always preferred when available.

You can still use a custom configuration. You could also try to override the file nginx.tmpl in a new Dockefile .

To serve traffic in both SSL and non-SSL modes without redirecting to SSL, you can include the environment variable HTTPS_METHOD=noredirect (the default is HTTPS_METHOD=redirect).

HTTPS_METHOD must be specified on each container for which you want to override the default behavior.

Here is an example Docker Compose file:

version: '3'services:  nginx-proxy:    image: jwilder/nginx-proxy    ports:      - '80:80'      - '443:443'    volumes:      - /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock:ro      - ./config/certs:/etc/nginx/certs    environment:      DEFAULT_HOST:  app:    build:      context: .      dockerfile: ./Dockerfile    environment:      HTTPS_METHOD: noredirect      VIRTUAL_HOST:

Note: As in this example, environment variable HTTPS_METHOD must be set on the app container, not the nginx-proxy container.

Ref: How SSL Support Works section for the jwilder/nginx-proxy Docker image.