Docker as the effective Rails development environment Docker as the effective Rails development environment docker docker

Docker as the effective Rails development environment

Consider orats (opinionated rails application templates):

The goal is to provide you an excellent base application that you can use on your next Rails project.


It also happens to use Docker so that your app can be ran on any major platform -- even without needing Ruby installed.

To some of your other requirements:

  • my keys ... I should be able to reuse the ones that are on my host machine

    Specify keys in your docker-compose.yml but omit the value.

  • putting breakpoints and interacting with debugger

    When starting a service, instead of docker-compose up, use docker-compose run --service-ports. This will allow e.g. binding.pry to work.

  • When executing Cucumber/Selenium tests I should be able to see what's happening in the browsers.

    This is tricky. For a workaround consider using save_screenshot, and (the important part) save it to a directory which is mounted to a volume on the Docker host. Open that directory on the host and you'll be able to see an updating screenshot.

some notes about usage docker for development:

  • run bash command inside docker and to work as in VM, link
  • map port of container with host machine and use browser link
  • map files link
  • .env technique of setting variables allows usage of docker in any environment including CI link
  • bash scripts and container naming can help to automate tasks link