Docker bind elasticsearch volume in app folder Docker bind elasticsearch volume in app folder docker docker

Docker bind elasticsearch volume in app folder

If you use ./ the volume will be mounted in the same folder (I have had permissions issues before by doing this just so you know)

version: "3.3"services:      elasticsearch:    image:    volumes:      - ./esdata:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data    environment:      - bootstrap.memory_lock=true      - "ES_JAVA_OPTS=-Xms512m -Xmx512m"      - discovery.type=single-node    ports:      - "9300:9300"      - "9200:9200"volumes:  esdata:

Your config is almost ok but you need to use absolute path as device: ./ is causing mount of root file system instead of current directory (that's why you receive access denied)

Use absolute path in device like device: /opt/your-project/data - please also note that directory must exist before use.