Docker CMD doesn't recognize pm2-runtime Docker CMD doesn't recognize pm2-runtime docker docker

Docker CMD doesn't recognize pm2-runtime

The problem was that the CMD directive can't handle multiple commands out of the box.

Changing the CMD to following line fixed my issue:

CMD ["sh", "-c", "nginx && pm2-runtime start ecosystem.config.js --env $env_name"]

Docker CMD & ENTRYPOINT runs the commands implicitly with sh -c, but to chain commands and/or inject environment variables, you need to "nest" the sh -c from docker with your own.

Are you sure you are defining the CMD as so

CMD [ "pm2-runtime", "start", "pm2.json" ]

because from what I see the error message is saying that it's looking for [pm2-runtime, (note the [ at the start and the , at the end) and this is possible only if you don't have the quotes around the pm2-runtime. I would suggest you remove and type those quotes again, save the Dockerfile and try building again.

I just tested with a simple example

FROM alpineCMD [echo, "'A'" ]

And got a similar error message

/bin/sh: [echo,: not found

So I am quite certain that this is the case