Docker-compose exit code is 137 when there is no OOM exception Docker-compose exit code is 137 when there is no OOM exception docker docker

Docker-compose exit code is 137 when there is no OOM exception

It might be issue with RAM, I have increased the memory using Docker preferences. Started my service with docker-compose up. The server is up for me without any issue.

Docker exit code 137 implies Docker doesn't have enough RAM to finish the work.

Unfortunately Docker consumes a lot of RAM.

Go to Docker Desktop app > Preferences > Resources > Advancedand increase the MEMORY - best to double it.

The error message strikes me as: Aborting on container exit...

From docker-compose docs:

--abort-on-container-exit Stops all containers if any container was stopped.

Are you running docker-compose with this flag? If that is the case, think about what it means.

Once b-combined is finished, it simply exits. That means, container b-db will be forced to stop as well. Even though b-combined returned with exit code 0, b-db forced shutdown was likely not handled gracefully by mongodb.

EDIT: I just realized you have --exit-code-from in the command line. That implies --abort-on-container-exit.

Solution: b-db needs more time to exit gracefully. Using docker-compose up --timeout 600 avoids the error.