Docker Compose - Flyway - Unable to obtain Jdbc connection from DataSource Docker Compose - Flyway - Unable to obtain Jdbc connection from DataSource docker docker

Docker Compose - Flyway - Unable to obtain Jdbc connection from DataSource


In this line
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON base.* To 'user'@'localhost';
you grant priviledges to user on localhost but your service1 and flyaway-service-1 services are running in their own separate containers and therefore are not running on localhost (with respect to the mysqldb container). If these services were running inside the mysqldb container then maybe they could be running on localhost.

Possible Resolution?

You may want to try using the hostname of the services/containers you're granting access to instead of localhost?

ie : GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON base.* To 'user'@'service1';

Docker Networks instead of Container Links

Also, I would suggest using Docker's new networking feature instead of the legacy container linking method. See rationale behind docker compose "links" order