Docker Compose + Rails: best practice to migrate? Docker Compose + Rails: best practice to migrate? docker docker

Docker Compose + Rails: best practice to migrate?


If you would like your container to run the same executable every time, then you should consider using ENTRYPOINT in combination with CMD. See ENTRYPOINT


You could define an entrypoint under app and define a bash file there:

app:  entrypoint: [bin/entry]  ..

bin/entry file example:

#!/bin/bashset -erake db:createrake db:migrateexec "$@"

This approach creates the database if the migration is not able to succeed. It also avoids the issue of being unable to start the server because a pid file was left behind. Create the file as app/lib/

#!/bin/sh# -eif [ -f /app/tmp/pids/ ]; then  rm /app/tmp/pids/server.pidfibundle exec rake db:migrate 2>/dev/null || bundle exec rake db:setupexec bundle exec "$@"

The docker-compose.yml then includes:

entrypoint: ["/app/lib/"]command: ["rails","server","-b","","-p","3000"]

I use a Makefile:

run:    docker-compose up -d \    && docker-compose run web rake db:create

So, now when I wanna docker-compose up I just do make run instead.