Docker Compose to CoreOS Docker Compose to CoreOS docker docker

Docker Compose to CoreOS

taken from

the only thing is that /usr is read only, but /opt/bin is writable and in the path, so:

sd-xx~ # mkdir /opt/sd-xx~ # mkdir /opt/binsd-xx~ # curl -L`uname -s`-`uname -m` > /opt/bin/docker-compose  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed100   403    0   403    0     0   1076      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  1080100 7990k  100 7990k    0     0  2137k      0  0:00:03  0:00:03 --:--:-- 3176ksd-xx~ # chmod +x /opt/bin/docker-composesd-xx~ # docker-composeDefine and run multi-container applications with Docker.Usage:  docker-compose [options] [COMMAND] [ARGS...]  docker-compose -h|--helpOptions:  -f, --file FILE           Specify an alternate compose file (default: docker-compose.yml)  -p, --project-name NAME   Specify an alternate project name (default: directory name)  --verbose                 Show more output  -v, --version             Print version and exitCommands:  build              Build or rebuild services  help               Get help on a command  kill               Kill containers  logs               View output from containers  port               Print the public port for a port binding  ps                 List containers  pull               Pulls service images  restart            Restart services  rm                 Remove stopped containers  run                Run a one-off command  scale              Set number of containers for a service  start              Start services  stop               Stop services  up                 Create and start containers  migrate-to-labels  Recreate containers to add labels

I've created simple script for installing latest Docker Compose on CoreOS:

#!/bin/bashmkdir -p /opt/bincurl -L `curl -s | jq -r '.assets[].browser_download_url | select(contains("Linux") and contains("x86_64"))'` > /opt/bin/docker-composechmod +x /opt/bin/docker-compose

Just run it with sudo

The proper way to install or run really anything on CoreOS is either

  1. Install it as a unit
  2. Run in a separate docker container

For docker-compose you probably want to install it as a unit, just like you have docker as a unit. See Digital Ocean's excellent guides on CoreOS and the systemd units chapter to learn more.

Locate your cloud config based on your cloud provider or custom installation, see for locations.

Install docker-compose by adding it as a unit

#cloud-configcoreos:  units:    - name: install-docker-compose.service      command: start      content: |        [Unit]        Description=Install docker-compose        ConditionPathExists=!/opt/bin/docker-compose        [Service]        Type=oneshot        RemainAfterExit=yes        ExecStart=/usr/bin/mkdir -p /opt/bin/        ExecStart=/usr/bin/curl -o /opt/bin/docker-compose -sL ""        ExecStart=/usr/bin/chmod +x /opt/bin/docker-compose

Note that I couldn't get the uname -s and uname -m expansions to work in the curl statement so I just replaced them with their expanded values.

Validate your config file with

coreos-cloudinit -validate --from-file path-to-cloud-config

It should output something like

myhost core # coreos-cloudinit -validate --from-file path-to-cloudconfig2016/12/12 12:45:03 Checking availability of "local-file"2016/12/12 12:45:03 Fetching user-data from datasource of type "local-file"myhost core #

Note that coreos-cloudinit doesn't validate the contents-blocks in your cloud-config. Restart CoreOS when you're finished, and you're ready to go.

Update: As @Wolfgang comments, you can run coreos-cloudinit --from-file path-to-cloud-config instead of restarting CoreOS.