docker-compose.yml for elasticsearch 7.0.1 and kibana 7.0.1 docker-compose.yml for elasticsearch 7.0.1 and kibana 7.0.1 docker docker

docker-compose.yml for elasticsearch 7.0.1 and kibana 7.0.1

Making a few changes worked for me -

  • Add cluster.initial_master_nodes to the elasticsearch service in compose -

    environment:  - cluster.initial_master_nodes=elasticsearch
  • vm.max_map_count on the linux box kernel setting needs to be set to at least 262144 -

    $ sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144

For development mode, you can use below settings as well -

    environment:      - discovery.type=single-node

Working compose file for me -

version: '2.2'services:  es01:    image:    container_name: es01    environment:      - cluster.initial_master_nodes=es01    ulimits:      memlock:        soft: -1        hard: -1    ports:      - 9200

For production mode, you must consider having multiple ES nodes/containers as suggested in the official documentation