Docker container exits immediately Docker container exits immediately docker docker

Docker container exits immediately

You can run docker logs <container_name> to retrieve the logs

(if you don't know what was the container name, you can run docker ps -a to display all the containers)

Make sure you have the -ti flags in your docker run command, otherwise the docker container will exit without letting you run any shells.

In my case the sa password was being rejected as too long. I must have fumbled the setting at some point and the text following the setting had become "part of" the password.

Finding that out was an adventure.My iMac had the defaults - no development tools.I downloaded:



Would a Mac person verify please? I have a feeling there was a third download I needed.

Once I got Kitematic up and running it was easy to see the log and why the start failed from the Settings tab, General, Environment Variables, MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD.