Docker data-only container and dealing with new releases Docker data-only container and dealing with new releases docker docker

Docker data-only container and dealing with new releases

Now this setup works but I just can't figure out how to handle a new release. My source is in git, when I want to deploy to production I imagine I create a new image (FROM busybox should probably be replaced with my existing image url) and pull in the new image on my production server.

Apart from the statement about busybox (which I don't follow), that seems pretty much right. Normally, you re-build the images, push to a registry, then pull from the production server. And as @Mario Marin suggests, it's worth being clever about tags, so that you can easily roll-back if needs be and you know exactly which version of your app is deployed.

But how do I get the data to update for my web container and such? I also have to make sure my persistent data (/var/lib/mysql) remains.

I assume this is referring to your data container, which you've done in a bit of an unusual way. To begin with, I would pull out the mysql directory and put it in its own data container. I would use the percona image for this so that all the permissions are set correctly. When you create the data-container, you don't leave it running, so there's no need to worry about the container getting out-of-date; it's really just a namespace for the directory.

The next step is to deal with the app directory, which I assume isn't data, but code? In this case I would include it in your web image (don't use a volume at all). In the Dockerfile I would normally do a git clone to keep the image up-to-date. During development you can mount a volume over the top of the app directory with code from the host so you can make changes instantly.

For more info on data containers, have a look at

I would drop the /app directory from the data container and build it with docker-compose:

web:  build: .  extends:    file: _common.yml    service: web  ports:    - "80:80"  environment:    APPLICATION_ENV: prod  links:    - db    - redisapp:  extends:    file: _common.yml    service: app  environment:    APPLICATION_ENV: prod  volumes_from:    - data  links:    - db    - redisdata:  volumes:    - "/var/lib/mysql"db:  extends:    file: _common.yml    service: db  volumes_from:    - dataredis:  extends:    file: _common.yml    service: redis


FROM busyboxADD . /appWORKDIR /app

You can use tags for your different releases, here is a script that I use in my deployments

DOCKER_HUB_USER="therightplace"DOCKER_COMPOSE_IMAGE="projectname_web_1"APP_IMAGE="nicer_name"REMOTE_IMAGE=${DOCKER_HUB_USER}/${APP_IMAGE}IMAGE_TAG=$(date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" |sed 's/-\|:/_/g')TAGGED_IMAGE=${REMOTE_IMAGE}:${IMAGE_TAG}LATEST_IMAGE=${REMOTE_IMAGE}:latestbuild_image () {    echo "Building image: ${TAGGED_IMAGE}"    docker-compose build web}push_tagged_image () {    echo ${TAGGED_IMAGE}    # change docker-compose image tag for a nicer one    docker tag ${DOCKER_COMPOSE_IMAGE} ${TAGGED_IMAGE}    # push image out to docker hub    docker push ${TAGGED_IMAGE} && echo "${TAGGED_IMAGE} image pushed to docker hub" \    || echo "Failed to push ${TAGGED_IMAGE} image to docker hub"}push_latest_image () {    echo ${LATEST_IMAGE}    # push image out to docker hub    docker tag ${TAGGED_IMAGE} ${LATEST_IMAGE}    docker push ${LATEST_IMAGE} && echo "${LATEST_IMAGE} image pushed to docker hub" \    || echo "Failed to push ${LATEST_IMAGE} image to docker hub"}

The script will build the service web and push it to the docker hub. You can omit the pushes and just tag the images.

Instead of using a timestamp for your releases you could use a git hash:

IMAGE_TAG=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)