Docker Entrypoint Script To Support One or Two or Both Commands (namely npm config & npm run) Docker Entrypoint Script To Support One or Two or Both Commands (namely npm config & npm run) docker docker

Docker Entrypoint Script To Support One or Two or Both Commands (namely npm config & npm run)

Here's a tentative quick hack to allow you to pass in configuration parameters with -v options.

#!/bin/shset -e# Quick and dirty option processingwhile [ $1 = '-v' ]; do    case $2 in      *=*)        option=${2%=*}        npm config set "$option" "${2#$option}"        shift 2;;      *)        echo "$0: Fatal error: argument to -v must contain =" >&2        exit 127;;    esacdone# Aside; use = not == inside [ ... ]    if [ "$1" = 'npm' ] && [ "$2" = 'run' ]; then    shift 2    XVFB_SCREEN_WIDTH=${SCREEN_WIDTH-1280}    XVFB_SCREEN_HEIGHT=${SCREEN_HEIGHT-720}    dbus-daemon --session --fork    Xvfb :1 -screen 0 "${XVFB_SCREEN_WIDTH}x${XVFB_SCREEN_HEIGHT}x24" >/dev/null 2>&1 &    export DISPLAY=:1.0    fluxbox >/dev/null 2>&1 &    exec npm run "$@"fiexec "$@"


docker run --rm -it \   -v $PWD/e2e/:/opt/SYSTAC/e2e \   -v $PWD/reports/:/opt/SYSTAC/reports/ \  bhreinb/SYSTAC \   scriptname -v foo=bar \      -v packageJson:task-profile=auto-regression-chrome \      -v baz=quux \     npm run gargleblaster --demo --crash --splinters